
FREE IELTS Preperation: Paragraph Focus

Focus on the first sentence of each paragraph , Kew is the most important .
The main topic of the paragraph is usually we are there.
Once you read the first sentence , you have a general idea
acerca what will be around each paragraph. You can read the questions , in an attempt to
The paragraph that will determine the answer. You have concise paragraphs
Theme. Any answer is clear or not , of course not . will
The time, if you can jump straight to the point , so try to remember what
Learned from the first few sentences .
Example : the first paragraph is about, poets , and the second is the hair about. if
Hair No questions asked about, where is the answer? The second paragraph.

And spread the main corridor concept usually all or most of the information technology
Paragraphs . While the main idea of the paragraph may be very different
The main idea of ​​the following paragraph, which is the main concept of step affects
All paragraphs in one form or another .
Example : What is the main idea of the passage?
Each response option , try to see how many of the paragraphs are related. You can help
To calculate the number of sentences affected by each option, but it's best to see
How many points are affected by the option. Normally the response options
What are the wrong choices are the main ideas of the first, but not
Entertained by traffic. For this reason, it is essential to choose the ideas that are compatible
According to most paragraphs possible .

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